The influence of technology in our daily life
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The influence of technology in our daily life |
Telecommunication equipment, through which information is transmitted, has evolved and formed a crucial a part of our lifestyle, we went from telegraph to Whats App and from black and white television, which deserved its own space, to cell phones or High-resolution tablets which will be carried up to the toilet. But technological devices not only provide practical but also aesthetic and symbolic value that leads us to settle on between endless options: not only the foremost efficient but also the foremost beautiful, the one with the simplest design or the one that provides me the very best status.
So it's worth beginning to reflect on technology in our daily lives, asking not only how I exploit it, but also why and why.TECHNOLOGY AND MIND
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The influence of technology in our daily life |
Mexicans spend quite eight hours each day interacting with some technological devices connected to the web, be it a telephone, computer or tablet. it's impossible to think that something we've spent most of our time on cannot have an impression (both positive and negative) on our minds, it does, and technology has marked not only a replacement way of concerning others but also with ourselves.
Well-applied technology helps us, for example: to arrange ourselves better, to find out new things, to stay track of our goals and private progress or to shut distances with friends or family. However, the flip side of the coin is that, by not being aware, we will bombard ourselves with damaging, stressful information or search for situations where we are exposed or in danger. Universities register more and more cases of depression and anxiety that are directly linked to the utilization of social networks. consistent with the Mexican Internet Association, 82% of users connected to the web are active on a social network, this being the most activity on the web above mailing and checking out information. additionally, consistent with the newest research on Internet habits, it had been recorded that Mexicans spend a mean of eight hours each day online (that is, a workday), with lunch and therefore the end of the day being the hours of the greatest traffic. this suggests that no matter whether we are alone or accompanied, we are online, so where is that the time for intimacy with myself and my relationships?
In social networks, we interact and exchange information with people with whom we somehow have something in common, we filter the items we upload or remove from our profiles supported the number of likes, shares or comments we receive. This "attention economy" depends entirely on the reaction caused by the interest of others and their responses on social networks. Studies have found that every like generates dopamine production within the brain and therefore the activation of reward-linked systems, which is why networks are so addictive. an honest dose of likes and exchanges can indeed make us feel excellent and contribute to our self-esteem, the matter comes when within the outside world there's nothing to support my self-esteem and my links, that's why, the difficulty with social networks, technology and therefore the mind isn't about isolating ourselves and depriving ourselves of exchange, but about landing how we use them. First of all, we must bear in mind that networks tend to understand people's moments of accomplishment, the best likes are available in the face of successes and exceptional situations, in order that is what people upload the foremost, not their daily moments, of doubt, anxiety or failure. Keeping this in mind is important since depressive disorders linked to the utilization of social networks need to do with comparing our lives and everyday moments with those of others, without considering that these are exceptional issues.
Another anxiety think about social networks has got to do with FOMO, which suggests fear of missing out, and literally refers to the fear generated by staying disconnected from networks and thus missing the chance to share a photograph that might generate many Like or not determine in real-time the gossip of the instant and even feel that we miss the chance to attach with others.
FOMO refers to the fear generated by staying disconnected from the networks and thus missing the chance to share a photograph that will generate many likes.
We even have phenomena that aren't associated with what we publish, but to what we observe on social networks. 75% of Internet users have witnessed cyberbullying or cyberbullying and 40% of adult Internet users have experienced it at some point. The vulnerability to which we are exposed is another stressor not only in adults but also in adolescents. consistent with the Canadian psychological state Association, high school youth who spend quite two hours each day on social media report higher
symptoms of hysteria, depression, and suicidal idealization, and therefore the WHO projects that if cyberbullying continues to grow within the way it's done thus far, by 2025 there'll be around 85,000 suicides a year. Despite having such alarming data, we must not demonize networks or technology, we simply need to confine mind that its impact on life is vital which is why we must make responsible use always keeping our health and safety in mind.
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The influence of technology in our daily life |
According to Forbes magazine, 33% of Internet users who are active on social networks are of working age, with Facebook (95%), YouTube (60%), and Twitter (56%) being the foremost common. There are many advantages to using technology and using social networks within the workplace: first, technology has made jobs more flexible and residential or remote offices possible, to avoid stressors like traffic or "going to heat the chair", and thus optimize employee time, eliminating time barriers, distances and helping to make a sense of productivity and assertiveness in managing schedules. On the opposite hand, coexistence on social networks, although it increases the danger of mobbing (workplace harassment), also promotes employee interaction, the strengthening of business identity, also because of the company's relationship with customers. Studies have shown that 75% of individuals are inclined to consume a product that they follow online than people who don't.
Research on labor productivity and therefore the use of social networks continues to be questioned, with studies that tilt for and against. Social networks and technology are tools, their good or bad use depend on who uses them, and the way they use them.
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The influence of technology in our daily life |
Without a doubt, technology has presented new challenges for current families, especially in terms of communication, but it also offers new ways of cohabitation. First, we must specialize in the very fact that technologies are tools that provide us alternatives, so we must use them to our advantage and understand the role they need within the lives of our loved ones. As parents, it's important to know that children aren't "born with the integrated chip", knowing the way to operate and manipulate a gadget (which, it's worth saying, is meant to work intuitively) doesn't mean that they skills to use it responsibly and ethically. As parents, we must offer a guide for our youngsters and understand the networks that are available to them. we will also understand certain phenomena and explain them to our youngsters, for instance, UNICEF points out that when interacting on the web the bounds that exist within the physical world aren't so clear, so we tend to generalize or exaggerate the links; We must clarify that not everyone we've on social networks may be a friend or is trusted. Adolescents are a very vulnerable population, as they have a tendency to hunt intense ties during which idealization predominates. From a young age, we must teach them to use security filters, to not share personal data, and to strengthen their self-esteem through quality coexistence with them.
The technology itself offers very fun alternatives to bond as a family and obtain closer, like watching series on Netflix and online games, but the thought is that we don't let it become a distraction, but a flash of coexistence and dialogue. Also, applications like Honester seek to market dialogue between parents and youngsters that specialize in the work of limits and rules, permits, rewards, etc.
In Mexico you begin having access to the web (through apps or games) from the age of three, so, as a family, it's worth beginning to establish rules with gadgets, setting limits, for instance, on age (setting an age to possess a cell phone), time or security (limiting the utilization of certain applications). This framing also can encourage time with the family, alone or maybe doing a recreational activity, like exercising or reading. it's our responsibility to understand the way to use what we've accessible, not only at an operational level but also ethically.